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Wagons of Steel!

Vashon’s own drag racing team is entering the second half of an eventful season of NHRA drag racing. We started in Boise, Idaho at the NHRA Division 6 race with Brutus, our newly completed 1966 Plymouth Belvedere II Stock Eliminator car advancing to the third round with partner Mark Maez behind the wheel. We were then denied entry into Canada so we missed the next Divisional race in Mission, B.C. but we had no problem getting to the Divisional race in Spokane, where we had a great time dodging rain drops enough to lose a close race in the first round. Three weeks later we loaded up and headed to Woodburn, Oregon for the fourth Divisional. Woodburn is usually hotter than Mars but this time it was moody and damp. The event went off under threatening skies all the way through qualifying on Friday and Saturday but on Sunday it socked in with steady rain and we had to go home. The event is rescheduled for Friday, September 16. Two days later we were on the road to Infineon Raceway in Sonoma, California for a Division 7 race. California was beautiful and there was a great selection of race cars that we had never seen before. One that we had seen before was hired gun Dallas Glenn’s Dr. Injector ‘96 Corvette. He showed us why he is currently #9 in the country by beating us like a drum in the first round.

In the past we have stayed on at Infineon for the National Event the following weekend but this year our resources are limited by the arrival of the repaired 426 Max Wedge engine for our ‘64 Savoy wagon. We are going to debut the wagon at the NW Nationals this weekend so we need every dollar and every hour we can spare! Between the wagon and Brutus, we will have two cars competing at the National Event! Please come out to Pacific Raceway and watch August 5-7! If you do, stop by our pit and check it out! If you can’t, we will be at the Seattle Divisional race  August 19-21. Feel free to email me for more details.