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VFW Esay Contest

The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) will be providing students in grades from 3rd Grade through High School an opportunity to participate in VFW Sponsored Youth Essay Contests that provide recognition and cash awards from the VFW Post, VFW District, State of Washington and National levels. The Washington State sponsored Youth Essay Programs include 3rd through 5th Grades; the National Patriot’s Pen Programs includes 6th through 8th Grades and the National Voice of Democracy includes 9th through 12th Grades. Last year, the Vashon VFW Post 2826 awarded $2300 to twenty seven 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners and two hundred and two students received beautiful certificates.

The National Programs entry forms and complete contest rules can be obtained by entering, on the internet and clicking "VFW Scholarships". Click "Patriots Pen or Voice of Democracy" and then click "Learn more about the program you selected" and then click "Access entry form and complete contest rules." This provides all the data that you need to enter the programs.

The Washington State Programs entry forms and complete contest rules can be obtained by entering, on the internet and clicking "Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Department of Washington" and click on "PROGRAMS", then click "State Youth Essay Entry Form" and print and then click "State Youth Essay Rules" and print. This provides all the data that you need to enter the program. If you have questions, please call Olde John Croan at 463-2952 or send an email to or talk to your teacher.