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Vashon Island Youth Chorus To Start In September

The Vashon Island Youth Chorus (VIYC) will start, open to students in middle school through high school, beginning Tuesday, Sept. 10, at Vashon Lutheran Church. Rehearsals will run 3:15 - 5:15 pm on Tuesdays thru Nov. 12, and students will prepare 2 concerts for the weekend of Nov. 16/17. Vashon Lutheran’s Music Director, Marita Ericksen began directing VIYC in 1999. The youth chorus became a Vashon Allied Arts program in 2003. The VAA program transitioned to a Youth Musical Theater Class, which will continue this fall on Mondays and Wednesdays after school, but Ericksen saw a need for a quality youth choral program as well. She is excited to be offering the VIYC on Tuesdays after school this fall.