"Really Rosie," a well-known children’s musical theatre production, began as a collaboration in the 1970’s, between author Maurice Sendack and iconic songwriter Carole King. VAA Musical Theatre’s troupe of more than 20 theatre-savvy Island kids will perform their adaptation, complete with characters and stories they created, December 1, 3-4, at the Blue Heron Art Center. Creative team for the project, Director Sue Wiley and Artistic/Musical Director Marita Ericksen, have met with the students after school at the Blue Heron since mid-September.
Great entertainment for all ages (with music we all know and love) the story begins when Rosie, the new girl in town, inspires bored, grumpy neighborhood kids to use their imaginations to create stories. Rosie and her friends demonstrate how one person (even a kid) can affect change and bring the community together through positive energy and creativity.
In addition to three public performances of "Really Rosie," cast members will perform with Vashon Island Chorale on the evening of Dec. 3
Really Rosie
Thursday, Dec 1, 7 pm
Saturday, Dec 3, 3 pm
Sunday, Dec 4, 5 pm
Tickets: $7/$10-Blue Heron, Heron’s Nest,Vashon Bookshop