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Rumble Strip Meeting

King County Roads has called a meeting a meeting with Ashley DeForest, KCDOT Community Relations Planner, and Henry Perrin, manager of King County Road Services' arterial safety project that has been installing rumble strips on Vashon roads. They would like to hear you and other bicyclists' concerns about this project. They have scheduled the meeting for 7:00pm next Wednesday, May 2, at the Vashon Library. Please let them know if you can attend by sending an RSVP to Ashley, or 206-684-1154.

In a letter circulated around Vashon KCDOT Roads is also scheduling an open house on May 21 to discuss the project with the community.

In the letter KCDOT Roads stated:

“The rumble strips project will remain suspended until we’ve completed our conversation with the community and settled on a satisfactory approach going forward. In the meantime, you will continue to see Road Services crews doing maintenance work such as regular street sweeping and pulling vegetation from road shoulders to clean up pavement edges.

 As noted in an earlier message that you may have received, we think the arterial safety project has merit as a way to reduce the relatively high number of run-off-road collisions on Vashon Highway.

In There have been a number of comments that rumble strips were installed at a few locations that don't meet the four-foot width requirement. Inspection to verify and correct items that aren’t according to the plans is part of any construction project. These areas will be addressed prior to completing the project.”