This January, award-winning Tlingit artist Odin Lonning displays multi-tribal works at the Vashon Community Care Center, 15333 Vashon Highway. Lonning is a prolific designer, renowned for his work in Tlingit and other Northwest Coast Native styles. He attended the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he encountered a rich diversity of tribal cultures and collaborated with talented Indigenous artists from Plains and Southwestern First Nations. Lonning’s body of work over three decades includes carved cedar pieces ranging from totem poles to amulets, painted drums, ceremonial regalia, and jewelry design. Lonning donates proceeds from his art sales to benefit Wolftown’s Wildlife Rehab and the Vashon Hydrophone Project’s whale research and marine mammal stranding response. Call 206-463-9041 and visit
www.OdinLonning.com for more information.