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Comedy at Red Bike

Friday October 24, Comedy Night returns just in time for you to not care. Oct 24 is National Taking Care of Business Day and we plan on celebrating.

Your host, Steffon Moody, will take your money at the door, show you to your table, cook your dinner, rub your feet and then jump onstage and serve up that melt-in-your-mouth cerebral/physical comedy you have come to expect. If that is not Taking Care of Business, then I don’t know what I’m talking about.

“Who else will be performing?” It seems like that is all anyone talks about. Answer: Kevin Kim-Murphy. Does Kevin Takes Care of Business? Indeed, that is all he does; he applies himself to Business like a hammer applies itself to a nail. He is now applying himself to comedy and we couldn’t be more scared and happy.

The rumors are true; Pearce Cobarr has recently completed her PhD in Taking Care of Business School. You think you are so smart and that you know everything, well guess what? You are dumb and you know nothing. Thankfully Dr. Pearce is here to pour some funny stuff into your headholes.

Jonathan Laine was specifically bred by old witches to succeed at Taking Care of Business. Their centuries-old plan was meticulously executed and now, with the fate of humanity hanging on every punchline, can he fulfill The Prophecy? The Prophecy that says “Business shall be Taken Care Of”? No pressure, dude.

You know how ninjas will sometimes sneak into the White House and write new laws? [editor’s note; fact check needed for that last sentence] Well, that’s a lot like how Andy Royer Takes Care of Business. Everybody is so minivan-latest tragedy-glutensomething-weather obsessed that they don’t even notice that the frozen burrito they were looking for was right in front of them the whole time. And that Andy already ate it. Could you do that? Not in a million years.

Dan Green is still in high school, but if he were in college he’d definitely be majoring in……..wait for it………..English! He just seems like an English major. He also seems like the uppest commingest up-and-comer on our blindingly bright comedy scene.

It cannot be denied that several very important regions of Jim Farrell’s brain do not work well, but that may only be because all of the blood is being shunted to the grossly inflated Taking Care of Business Cortex. MRIs show that Jim’s comedy lobe is in the exact shape of a rubber chicken.

And on top of all that, we have a real treat for you. Our headliner, Heneghen, has been in the finals of the Seattle International Comedy Competition more times than he cares to remember. He is one of the rare comedians that can light up your funny center every night of the week with a completely different show. He’s been at this for over twenty years and he keeps doing it because he’s good at it, and he’s good at it because he loves it and he loves it because when you Take Care of Business as well as Heneghen does you can’t help but bask in the warm, fuzzy glow of love and laughter.

Show starts at 8 pm and contains mature content that will likely hide inside the brains of children, confusing them until one day they explode.
All-Ages ‘Til 11pm,
21+ after that. $7 Cover
Friday, Oct 24, 8pm
At the Red Bicycle
17618 Vashon Hwy SW