In our lifelong pursuit of work and mediocrity we often lose sight of the little weird pleasantries that punctuate our brief tenures on this planet. In recent years this problem has become so severe that, as a society, we have offshored the job of silly-seeker to those already employed in the fine art of explaining to you what it is you are experiencing when you are experiencing Life. Thus, the comedian wears two hats (but no underwear). By turns, a comic excites your central nervous system by tricking your brain into laughing, while he simultaneously unravels some of the deepest folds of your brain and, by holding up a graffiti-covered mirror, shows you what you really are--a mostly hairless, scared, weak ape.
It is because the role of comedian in our society is so difficult that you should come to Comedy Night at the Red Bicycle Bistro on Friday January 22nd. Because you are functionally hairless you should wear warm clothing. Because you are physically and existentially scared you should bring a bunch of your friends with you to protect you from the other violent members of your species and so that you can constantly reconfirm with them that, yes, you do exist as a meat-based being outside of the confines of your own head. It is because you are scared that you should try a new beverage that you’ve never had before. And it is because you are an ape that you will laugh at three or four dick jokes by the end of the night. Not so bad.
We have a boatload of local talent to thrill and delight you, and a couple of mofessional comedians from Seattle, Washington. How mofessional? How about Seattle-based storyteller and comedian Emmett Montgomery? Maybe you’ve seen him? Maybe it was that time you went to a cafe and swore that there was a man there that exuded such gentleness that you actually considered curling up in his beard and taking a nap. Maybe it was on Season 9 of Last Comic Standing. Emmet was also voted Seattle Weekly’s Best Comedian of 2015 and one of City Arts Magazines 2015 Artists. Nice! Emmett has appeared on podcasts like Put Your Hands Together (stand-up), Risk! (storytelling) and Competitive Erotic Fan Fiction (gross) and appeared at festivals across the country including Bridgetown, Sasquatch and the Women In Comedy Festival (Nice!). Mr. Montgomery tells jokes from his heart, his heart is usually full of hope, but sometimes is full of spiders.
Emmett’s carpool buddy will be Travis Nelson. Travis tours all over the country looking for the perfect place to take a selfie and telling jokes in comedy clubs, colleges, corporate settings, stinky-ass bars and, as of Jan. 22nd., at least one sushi restaurant. Expect anything from heart-opening sincerity to cynical sarcasm. Travis is loaded for bear and he doesn’t much care what he shoots.
On the local front you can expect new material from local heroes Steffon Moody, who recently foiled a bank robbery while he happened to be dressed as a 17th century french dandy, and Pearce Cobarr, who just blew the whistle on secret government plans to harvest the toejam of local children. You’ll also catch Richard Moore, who discovered a way to harvest infinite energy from slinkies and Kevin Kim-Murphy, who just last week threw himself in front of a bus in order to save an elderly nun carrying a kitten. He says it actually fixed the back pain he had been having. How fortunate!
Your host for the evening is Jim Farrell. And if upon reading that you just thought to yourself “Well that settles it. I’m not going.” Well, I don’t blame you one little bit. But aren’t you at least a little curious what they’ll say? These are heroes and professional joke-tellers, for goodness sake. I went out and found you guys a 6-foot Nine-inch comedian! The biggest one I could find! Don’t you want to know who it is? (It’s Travis)
Comedy Night at The Red Bike
Fri. Jan 22nd, 8 P.M. $8 Cover