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Art in a New Economy

Silk Painting “New Life in the Forest”

We are in a time of change. Oil is running out, and increasingly our quest for oil damages the environment. Everytime I go to the grocery store, the prices are higher. The climate is changing. Old ways of doing business don’t always work anymore, and the traditional way of putting profit first has damaged our environment, our culture, and now our economy.

These are turbulent times. For many, these are harsh times. Where can we stand, with the ground shifting beneath us?

During World War 1, when he was asked what he would do for the war effort, the Impressionist painter Monet said, "I will paint". Monet’s paintings of the pond, the gardens, the bridge at Giverney, offer the soul a place to rest. His paintings still turn our eyes toward beauty, toward that which is good in the world.

This is where I choose to stand: in Beauty, in Compassion, in Trust. Will you join me? Suzanna Leigh

A Stand for Beauty; Life in the Puget Sound Paintings on silk by suzanna leigh
Opening at PSCCU (next to frame of Mind) Sept 2nd, Reception 6:30-8:30