Known for her quick wit, engaging talks and deep knowledge of art history, Rebecca Albiani launches VAA’s weekday morning Masters of Color Series, with Paolo Veronese: Fabulous, Scandalous Feasts, Tuesday, Oct 16, 11:30 am at VAA.
Albiani will focus on artists who reveled in color and pushed the limits of time and place with color. Veronese painted monastery dining halls and filled walls with figures, costumes and animals, imagery which during the Inquisition became considered seditious. "His later reputation was based on his skill as a colorist," she adds.
Her November talk will investigate the short and mysterious life and works of Dutch painter Jan Vermeer. "Everyone loves Vermeer," she says. For tickets call 463.5131, $14 VAA members, seniors, students/$18 general. More information at www.VashonAlliedArts.org.