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Articles in "Island Life "

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This was supposed to have been the second in a gruppetto of articles announcing a series of free bike workshops, the first of which happened a month ago. I knew at the time that the lack of publicity would probably doom the intended first meeting- I was right. But I was also amazed at the range of response I got within a few days of the article.

When those ominous words came up on the screen- the truth is out there- during an episode of that gone but not forgotten show, the X-Files, they could have been understood in a number of ways. From the spatial differences implied by off world alien encounters to the paranormal weirdness of the various metaphysical battles waged by the intrepid Skully and Mulder,

It’s not that I couldn’t think of anything better to call it- I just wanted it to sound fun. It could have been a Bicycle Workshop, or a Bike Intensive or even a Two-Wheeled Tutorial. In many ways, it hopes to be all of the above, but mostly it should be fun. As with the old bugaboo of getting back in shape, enjoyment of your exercise regimen of choice is key to being able to stick with it.

I remember how the meaning of words began to change. Valerie- fromV for Vendetta

            Perhaps I was more acutely aware of a vocabulary of time and place because I had just spent the weekend immersed in words. A random occurrence of synchronous events tends to be one of my secret amusements.

It is bicycle racing season, although the only thing most people are hearing about the sport these days are the echoing doping accusations being flung by disgruntled and often disgraced former teammates at cycling legend Lance Armstrong like so much over-cooked pasta, in the hopes that some of it will finally stick.

I have decided to stay back in New Hampshire for another week- there were still a few things that the doing of other events had left undone. It was the participating in these other events that brought me back here. Unlike in the past, where coming here to my parents’ house was usually the obligatory annual visit to check in from across the country and generally set out to set right, on my mother’s terms, what was wrong in the garden.

I sent an email to a friend the other day. It was in response to the recent Island screening of the film the Economics of Happiness and the panel discussion that followed. As it turned out, I had seen the film a while back and had been underwhelmed by it. In the email though, I had promised I would give it a second viewing at some point.