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Waterworks Studio- A mandala of art & artists

Waterworks Studio ignites the Holiday 2013 Vashon Island Art Studio Tour with its annual preview party Friday, December 6 at 6pm on. And this year Waterworks truly presents a mandala, a universe, of 19 of some of the Island’s finest artists plus our guest musicians, Richard Person and Jim Hobson, at the preview party.
The artist universe this year brings together both Waterworks regulars with some exciting new additions- Jan Wall and Jayne Quig, both wonderful painters from the beloved Barnworks, Julie King with her garden art from recycled, repurposed and found materials, and Zoe Cheroke with snazzy hand knitted cowls and fingerless gloves. Waterworks guest artist from off Island is Grayson Thompson, a former Islander and now of West Seattle, with his astounding wood toys featuring airplanes large and small, hydroplanes, ferry boats and sophisticated candle holders of wood and copper.
The Waterworks regulars this year are anything but with the new work they bring to this universe. Kate Rutherford and her Island-unique stone jewelry, Ginny Cizsek’s smokin’ jewelry, boxes and altars, Lindsay Aickin with new styles and designs of her in-demand flags, painters Bob Horsley, Darsie Beck, Mike Maher, and Terry Jansen with new paintings of Island and off-Island scenes, Jill Andrews with hand knitted and felted toys (really cute!), mittens and more, Ray Pfortner and his exquisite encaustics, fun snowglobes, mouse pads and note cards, and Susan Bates with her felted apparel in gorgeous materials. Bur wait, there’s more- the antique silk kimono wearable’s by Dana Illo, Lavender Sisters will once again scent Waterworks and your home with soaps, culinary lavender and all things lavender, Kathleen’s Webster’s quintessential images on note cards and, finally, high fire porcelain ceramics by Christine Beck. Whew- a universe of artists, a universe of materials and a mandala for the eyes!
The sparkling Artists’ Tree will once again be front and center for those collectors of tiny, affordable ornaments by all of the Waterworks artists- a great opportunity to have as your own a small work by these artists and to hang every year on your tree- or just put on your desk!
Join us at Waterworks on Friday, December 6 from 6 pm on to preview the new works and share in our festivities and throughout the Vashon Island Art Studio tour, December 7 &8 and 14 & 15 from 10 am to 4pm. Waterworks is #21 on the tour brochure. Waterworks can be contacted at 206/463-5633, and And be sure to visit all of the other wonderful studios on the Tour this year. Get your brochure at island merchants or at the Tour website