Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 2826 thanks the following citizens of Vashon Island for judging 115 Essays from the Chautauqua Elementary, McMurray Middle, The Harbor Schools and Boy Scout Troop 294. Norm Mathews, Karen Fuller, Henry Porter, Tim Marsh and Clay Gleb, from the Vashon Thriftway Store; Dave and Connie Parker, Jim Scott and Ed Williams from the Kiwanis Club; and Burdell Hollis, John Moore, B/Gen. Joe Ulatoski, Bart Queary and Roy Bumgarner from the VFW Post 2826 and the Vashon Community.
The VFW Post 2826 thanks the Presbyterian Church for permitting the Judging to be conducted at their church, on Wednesday, November 9, 2011 and the Administrators and Teachers of the Schools and Scout Master Peter Milovsoroff for encouraging the students and scouts to participate in the
VFW sponsored National Patriot’s Pen Program (6, 7 & 8 grades) and the Washington State VFW sponsored Youth Essay Contest (3,4 and 5 grades).
First place winners in the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Grades will be forwarded to VFW District 2, for their evaluation, by November 19th and VFW Post 2826 will conduct their Essay Banquet, at the McMurray Middle School, during the week before District 2 conducts their Essay Award on Saturday, January 7, 2012, at a Post in Seattle. VFW District 2 receives essays from schools in Seattle and Vashon. The VFW Post 2826 will award a certificate to each student, that participated in the contest, and 1st, 2nd and 3rd place awards in the five classes noted above will receive a framed certificate and a cash award.
The VFW is attempting to contribute, in a small way, to prepare our leaders of tomorrow for their awesome tasks.