Vashon Solar LLC has been working hard to get a COMMUNITY SOLAR PROJECT up and running here on the island. As PSE customers, we are all dependent upon dirty energy. 65% of PSE’s energy mix comes from coal and gas. In an effort to move Vashon towards a cleaner energy future, community volunteers came together last year to form Vashon Solar LLC. Vashon Solar LLC is launching the first project for a photovoltaic array on Vashon. Community solar projects have become a growing trend in Washington State as more communities take advantage of generous government support for community solar.
One major hurdle for community solar arrays is finding a good public host site. Vashon Solar LLC has leased the great sunshine from The Harbor School and The Vashon Island School District. Early LLC efforts will allow all participants in the project to qualify for the federal 1603 grant. By getting a solar array established before summer of this year, the group will be able to take advantage of state renewable energy incentive payments for the next 8 years. All the pieces are in place; business documents, site lease, electrical installer, PV modules, and the engineering is complete. Many Vashon residents have signed up to participate in the LLC to take advantage of the government incentives and to support solar energy!
After two years in development, the time is now. The place is our community. Support Vashon Solar LLC by joining as an individual or as a business. Any business in Washington State can take advantage of generous governmental support for community solar just like individuals.
There are many community-related reasons to participate: renewable energy from the great sunshine at The Harbor School and The Vashon Island School District site, high-quality state-manufactured components to be installed and maintained by an island electrical contractor, supporting numerous local professionals and contractors who will benefit from the work. No moving parts! This project will generate clean reliable energy for 40-50 years. The list of benefits to this community is endless!
How do I participate? Visit VASHONSOLARLLC.COM to see the participation package. Seek out Gib Dammann for any questions. 919-3546. Fill out a pledge and e-mail back to Gib, or give him a call. Attend an INFORMATIONAL MEETING: We have a couple of informational meetings organized for your benefit. Please come by to learn more.
-Saturday, March 17th @ PSE BUILDING - 10AM to 12PM, 18125 Vashon Highway (drive just south of the Bergman Construction lot and Kathy’s Corner).