Register today for your son grades 3-6 to learn the ABCs of lacrosse or refresh his skills at a Varsity player lead clinic to be held Saturday, December 17 at the high school gym. Adult coaches and Lacrosse Club parents will be on site to answer your questions about participating in the Vashon Lacrosse Club program.
Vashon Lacrosse Club registration for the 2012 season is open! Register online today at www.vashonlacrossse.com. Vashon Lacrosse Club fields teams for boys and girls starting in grade 3. Our Club program emphasizes sportsmanship, skills building, and love of the game. Competitive league play starts in 7th grade.
Get ready for the season with two free clinics!
Never played lacrosse?
Free introduction to lacrosse! Saturday, December 17, 9:30-11:30 @ VHS gym
Vashon Lacrosse Club invites boys in grades 3-6 who have never played the game to join us for a free, ABCs of lacrosse clinic on Saturday, December 17 from 9:30-1130. Lead by members of the Vashon Vultures varsity lacrosse team, the clinic will focus on the basics. Your kids will come away knowing how to scoop and cradle, toss and catch, and are sure to have a good time.
Can’t wait to get back on the field?
Free Lacrosse refresher clinic Saturday, December 17, 11:30-1:30 @ VHS gym
Get fired up! Vashon Lacrosse Club invites boys in grades 3-6 with a season or more of experience who want to reconnect with their sticks for a little pre-season warm up to join in on this free clinic. Lead by members of the Vashon Vultures varsity lacrosse team, we will focus on skills development. The clinic will include fun lacrosse inspired games. Space is limited, so please register early.
We will have loaner gear for your kids to use during the clinic. Space is limited, so please register early.
To register: Please e-mail kchachkes@comcast.net, subject line VLC Clinic with your child’s name and grade, and which clinic he will attend.