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Understanding Why and Therefore

Positively Speaking

You can tear the wings off a butterfly to see how it works but it will never fly again. That was one of the truths spoken to me about my life by a professor in college.
Of course he was sleeping with several of his students at the at the time so he probably wasn’t too interested in encouraging young women to examine things too closely at the time. But actually in my case it was probably true.
I am fascinated by the ‘why’ of things. How things work and why people behave as they do captures my attention and circles my brain around observation and the minutia of daily living all the time.
Sometimes that can work fer ya and sometimes that can work agin ya. For me, today, it’s definitely a plus. Today insight equals disengagement.
This weekend I begin a whole new adventure. I begin to go around the world teaching people how to find the sacred in the secular. It’s exciting work. I’m really happy to be called to it.
It’s been decades in the making. There was only one thing I needed to learn. Here’s what I didn’t understand. What is inside people who don’t want to find the sacred in the secular?
Let’s skip to the short answer. It’s simple. They’re sad. Really really sad. And instead of dealing with it they cover it up with the acquisition of external things:power, possessions, people.
The only problem is there is no running away from sad. It doesn’t go away, it can only be healed. And you can’t heal it unless you acknowledge it and cry. First you cry.
Do you know when, historically, the rise of mental illness began? When the Protestant church took out confession. Until then it was only organic MI we dealt with not the reactionary trauma induced stuff that is killing a whole bunch of people today.
We said there’s no right or wrong and determined that to be the PC culture and have a mess on our hands. There are the laws of love that produce life. If we behave counter to the laws of love bad things will happen.
And that’s what I needed to examine and learn the why of. Because those people will oppose finding the sacred. Deep Joy, fully alive Joy , which is the opposite of sorrow and anger will feel like a sunburn to them.
Sowing seeds of deep reflection and hope in hard ground is asking for trouble. Better not go there. ‘ Plow the unplowed field. Do not sow amongst the thorns’.
Having examined it all I find my professor has erred. My wings are stronger than ever.
Love, Deborah