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Non-Inflammatory Foods

Island Epicure

Nutritionists advise us to avoid inflammatory foods, but few tell us what foods aren’t inflammatory. It would take more space than this column to give you a complete list of inflammatory and non-inflammatory meats, so I’ll just list the most and the least inflammatory meats. Seafoods (except for farmed and Atlantic salmons), vegetables, and nuts are all non-inflammatory.

The information comes from The Chilton Diet. Chilton advises that all the foods one person eats in one day should add up to no more than 100 points.  Chitterlings are pork guts. Yuck! Here’s also a scallop recipe example that we like to eat. Yummy!

Inflammatory:  points per 3 ounce:
Chicken giblets………………..380
Beef kidneys…………….…….330
Turkey bacon ………………...260
Chicken stewed ………….......200
Turkey dark meat……….....…160
Atlantic salmon, farmed .....…150
Chicken wings………….….....110
Chicken thigh……………..…..100
Chicken parmesan … …...…...100
Beef Tenderloin ……………....100

 Non-Inflammatory:           3 ounce
Atlantic salmon, wild ………….50
Coho Salmon …………………..10
Rainbow Trout, wild …………..30
Rainbow Trout, farmed ……….. 1
Chinook or pink salmon ……..... 5
Atlantic cod, wild …………….... 5
Scallops ………………………..... 4
Halibut, Greenland …………..... 3
Mahi mahi …………………..…...1
Seaweed, wakame ………….…...1
Pepperoni Pizza, 3 ounce slice.. 20

            2 to 3 servings
2 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
6 ounces scallops, halved if large
1 medium size head nappa cabbage, cut in 2-inch squares
4 to 6 green onions cut in 1 ½-inch lengths
½ cup pea pods, strings removed, halved
½ red  or orange bell pepper, cut in strips
1 cup coconut milk
Thickening if desired:  1 Tablespoon cornstarch mixed in 2 to 3 Tablespoons coconut milk.
Salt to taste.

Heat the olive oil. Add the onions, bell pepper, nappa and pea pods. Stir fry until nappa just begins to wilt. Add coconut milk. Heat through. Add thickening an stir-cook until liquid is slightly thickened. Add scallops. Cover. Cook 2 more minutes. Scallops should have lost their transparency, but not toughened.  Serve over steamed brown rice.