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Next Telling Stories Speaker is Truman O’Brien

Truman with his daughter, Molly O’Brien, in the cockpit of a B737-700 about 10 minutes after setting the parking brake on his final retirement flight.

Come hear a bunch of entertaining stories that illustrate the technical aspects of flying from retired Alaska Airlines Captain and Vashon Islander, Truman O’Brien. Truman will answer many questions he has been asked throughout his 25-year airline career. How do you get to be an airline pilot? How can you land when you can’t see anything outside? What’s the hardest part of flying a jet?
Truman’s talk will be like taking a backstage tour of an airline pilot’s job. You’ll also hear some of the quirky things that happen while flying. How about landing a DC-4 on the beach in Alaska to pick up 23,000 pounds of fish? Or landing a 737 on a gravel runway? Or flying to the arctic in the dead of winter? These are just some of the many interesting stories Truman will share.
Truman is speaking at 4 pm this Sunday, March 3 at Bethel Church as part of the Telling Stories Speaker Series, by and about Vashon Locals. All proceeds from this talk benefit Vashon Community Care. Ticket sales are by donation and are available in advance at Vashon Book Shop or Vashon Community Care. The Telling Stories Speaker Series is made possible by a generous donation from the estate of David W. and Catharine A. Carr.