Island author Kathy Flynn reads from her new book, "Letters From the Pacific; a World War II Romance" March 9 at the Vashon Bookshop. Like many families, the Flynn’s had boxes and boxes of letters from World War II that lay dormant for decades, getting shuffled around during moves throughout the years. Years her parents passed away, Flynn began to sort the letters. What unfolded was a love story between her parents set in the backdrop of 1940s Hollywood and wartime in the South Pacific. Jane and Chuck Flynn were five years married and actors by profession. They gave up their happy life in Hollywood to join the service.
Chuck joined the Navy and saw action in the Pacific, where his ship was hit. Jane joined the USO and was sent on a tour of the Pacific. It was a heady atmosphere, with the girls constantly surrounded by adoring men. The letters convey the charm and intimacy of Jane and Chuck’s relationship during the difficult days of World War II. After the war, Jane and Chuck moved with their young family to Vashon, where they lived the rest of their lives.
History has always been an interest of Kathy’s, especially the interplay between large scale events and individual lives. She encourages everyone to take out the old family letters and see what stories they have to tell.
The book is published by BearManor Media, a publishing house specializing in entertainment biographies, and books with nostalgic themes like Radio and the Jews, How Fibber McGee & Molly Won World War II, and The Great Radio Comedians. To learn more, please visit their website at
LETTERS FROM THE PACIFIC: A WORLD WAR II ROMANCE by Kathy Flynn De Gaxiola is available at Vashon Bookshop, and there will be a signing after the reading on March 9. The book is also available on Amazon Kindle.