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How to Visit a Sea Star at Home

June 23rd will be a special day for us humans to get together with our seashore neighbors in their sandy and cobbly living rooms. There are hundreds of animals on Pt. Robinson beach waiting to welcome us – are we ready to be good guests?
So just what is the proper etiquette when visiting a sea star in its home? How do we politely greet a crab or a moon snail?
The first, and most important thing to remember is that there are LOTS of us and we are big! And we are visiting them at a time that is actually pretty tough for them. They are out of their element. The water has left them high and dry and they are feeling a little stressed, a little exposed and probably a little sensitive. We care about these animals and want to help creatures we find on the beach, but consider this; these animals have evolved to not just survive but to thrive in this environment.
Take our friend the sea star. The tide goes out and leaves her on the beach two times just about every day. Yet she finds enough clams and muscles to eat and is able to avoid being eaten by sea gulls for long enough to have thousands of babies in her lifetime. So when we see her on the beach we should leave her there and if we want to help we can pour a little cool water over her to help her skin stay hydrated and healthy.
Should we pick up animals we find on the beach? Most of the time we should let them be and take the time to get down close, touch them gently with wet fingers and just watch them for a while. This is a good way to enjoy the beauty of an animal and you will carry the memory of that creature away with you as you would remember a friend. And your friend will be much happier and healthier being left in their place so that they can continue on their way when the water returns.
But what about the animals we can’t see – the ones that are hiding under the rocks on the north side of Pt. Robinson? Looking out over the cobbles and boulders on that side of the beach it may not look like there are any animals at all. But if we carefully venture out into their habitat and begin gently lifting up those rocks we will find waiting there thousands of little treasures - tiny crabs, piddock clams, dogwinkles, flat worms, anemones, shrimp, periwinkles and, if you are very lucky, you might see the little green sea urchins who are new comers to our shore this year. In fact, there are so many animals we could never count them all!
So come down to Point Robinson and be ready to walk into your neighbors’ cobbly and sandy living room with open eyes and greet them with wet hands.