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Harbor School Student Awarded 1st Place in Washington State’s

Oakley Reid (center) receives her District award for the Patriot’s Pen youth essay competition

On Thursday, January 3, Harbor School students attended Vashon’s VFW Post #2826 award ceremony at McMurray Middle School for the 2012 Youth Essay Contest—competing in grades 6, 7 and 8.

The following Harbor School students were given 1st Place awards in their Grade level: Julia Ellison – 6th, Alden Hinden-Stevenson – 7th, and Oakley Reid – 8th.

Certificates for 2nd Place were awarded to: Miles Epstein – 6th, Amelia Prince – 7th, and Mira Jewell-Peterson – 8th.

Certificates for 3rd Place were awarded to: Tor Ormseth – 6th, Paris Crispin – 7th, and Lili Helsby – 8th.

Of all the student essay entries on Vashon, only three were sent on to the VFW District 2 for consideration. At the VFW District 2 ceremony on Saturday, January 5th, Julia Ellison received 2nd Place in the 6th grade competition, Alden Hinden-Stevenson received 1st Place in 7th grade competition, and Oakley Reid received 1st place in the 8th grade competition.

In addition, VFW District 2 Commander, Linda Fairbank, announced that Oakley Reid had won 1st Place in the State of Washington -- the highest State honor for the Patriot’s Pen essay contest. She is the first Vashon student to receive this honor since the VFW began their essay competition.

On Saturday, January 19th, Oakley will attend the VFW & Ladies Auxiliary Washington Mid-Winter Convention in Yakima where she will read her essay.

ABOUT THE VFW YOUTH ESSAY COMPETITION (from the attached Patriot’s Pen Submission Form): Conducted nationwide, this VFW sponsored youth essay competition gives students an opportunity to write essays expressing their views on democracy. More than 129,000 students participated last year in this contest. The top 46 national winners all receive at least a $1,000 savings bond. The first-place award is currently $10,000 savings bond plus an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. for the winner and a parent or guardian.

All entries begin at the Post level. The contest consists of four levels. The first level (entry) is sponsored by local VFW Posts. Post winners advance, one for every 15, to the VFW District (regional) level where the one first-place winner is advanced to the VFW Department (state) level. The one first-place winner at the Department level is then advanced into the VFW National competition. The winner from each Department (state) then competes for the national prizes.

Patriot’s Pen is open to 6th, 7th and 8th grade students enrolled in public, private or parochial schools in the U.S., its territories or its possessions. Home-schooled students are also eligible.


Harbor School student recipients, left to right: Paris Crispin (7th), Mira Jewell-Peterson (8th), VFW Vashon Representative John Croan, Amelia Prince (7th), Oakley Reid (8th) – in back, Alden Hinden-Stevenson (7th), Lili Helsby (8th) in back, Julia Ellison (6th), and Miles Epstein (6th). Award recipient Tor Ormseth (6th) was absent.