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Harbor School 8th Grade Math Team Takes 2nd Place in Division II at “Math Is Cool” Competition

(left to right): Harbor School students Kieran Enzian, Calder Stenn, Jacob Gold, Stuart Kraabel, Nick Spranger, Alden Hinden-Stevenson, Bjorn Lynge and Tor Ormseth

Harbor School 8th graders participated in the Washington State "Math Is Cool" Tournament at Mt. Rainier High School on November 8th where they took 2nd place in the 8th Grade Division II competition. Harbor School’s participation included two 8th grade group teams. As a result of their outstanding efforts, the state "Math is Cool" Masters competition has invited Harbor School to bring one team of four students to compete as a member of the Elite Division at Moses Lake High School on December 7th. The Elite Division is typically comprised of Division I schools (where grade enrollment exceeds 200 students). All invited teams are asked to bring just one team of 4. Harbor School’s team will be competing against the top 7 schools in the state, including Lakeside and Odle Middle School.
Congratulations to the following Harbor School 8th grade students for all their hard work and talent: Kieran Enzian, Jacob Gold, Alden Hinden-Stevenson, Stuart Kraabel, Bjorn Lynge, Nick Spranger, Calder Stenn and Tor Ormseth (Harbor School 7th grader). Of special note, Tor Ormseth received the top individual score (42 points) of all Division II Pre-Algebra students.
Harbor School parent Nathan Enzian volunteered his time to coach the team in preparation for the event.