Friends of Mukai will present a program featuring Michael Sullivan, Principal and Historian of Artifacts Consulting, Inc. at 7 p.m. on Thursday, January 29th at the Vashon Maury Island Land Trust Building. Friends of Mukai commissioned his firm to perform a detailed architectural assessment of the historic landmarked Mukai fruit barreling plant for Friends of Mukai. The completed preservation plans will expedite future restoration when the site is secured. Michael will describe how a historic plan is put together, define some of the specialized language used in this type of work, and outline expected steps to take with a 90 year old building. The program is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.
Sullivan has practiced and taught Historic Preservation methodology in the Pacific Northwest for over 30 years. As Principal of Artifacts Consulting, Inc., a small, skilled firm expert in all aspects of historic preservation, Michael has instituted a focus on preservation policy that focuses on architectural treatments, investment tax credit strategies, and historic resources regulatory compliance. He has been an advocate for historic preservation efforts at virtually every level of activity from world heritage site issues to local landmark campaigns. In 2012 Michael Sullivan was elected to the Advisors Executive Committee of the National Trust for Historic Preservation and is chair of the Public Policy Committee. He is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Washington Tacoma and serves on the grant committee for Humanities Washington.
Friends of Mukai activities are supported by funding from 4Culture/King County Lodging Tax Fund. A 4Culture grant enables the development of the preservation plan.