This is a unique time for the Boy Scouts highest award, the Eagle Scout Award. The Eagle Scout Award was started in 1912, thus this is the 100th Year Anniversary. Kevin Britz and Steve Kicinski, along with many other adult leaders, work closely with potential Eagle Scout candidates of the Scout Troop 294. They’ve have been involved in encouraging and assisting the Boy Scouts to participate in thix program for many years. They and the dedicated Scout members of Troop 294 deserve special recognition for the high percentage of their members who receive the Eagle Scout Award. The following members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 2826 were involved in presenting the Eagle Scout Awards to Max Herrington: Roy Bumgarner, Burdell Hollis, Christopher Gaynor and Olde John Croan.
The Eagle Scout award is recognized as a major achievement and a significant step forward in preparing Max Herrington and all the other Scouts that receive the Eagle Award, to be the leaders of tomorrow. About nine more Troop 294 Scouts are working to receive the Eagle Scout Award this year. This recognition opens the doors wider for the Eagle Scout Achievers, to be accepted in advanced education institutions, to be welcomed at their preferred job placement, to be recognized by the Military and the United States Government Civil Service, and to serve in the community that the Eagle Scout elects to call home.
Max was asked to tell us about his special project and this is a summary of his report. His project is to identify veterans who are in unmarked graves at the Vashon Cemetery. Through Max’s research, he was able to find the names and how they served in the Civil War, World War I and World War II. Max conducted a fund raiser to purchase a five foot tall black obelisk memorial stone and have the names and appropriate data engraved on the stone for the Civil War and World War I veterans. This stone is near the Veterans Monument at the center of the Vashon Cemetery. Max placed grave makers that were obtained from the United States Government for the unmarked World War II veterans. His project extends the recognition of the Unknown Soldiers Monument and Ceremonies that are held in our Nations Capital, Washington DC. Max’s efforts will help to strengthen those kind and fraternal feelings which have bound together the soldiers, sailors and marines who united to suppress our enemies. What can aid more to assure these results than by cherishing tenderly the memory of our heroic dead, who made their breasts a barricade between our country and its foes?
The VFW Post 2826 presents Max Herrington the Eagle Scout Certificate, Medallion and cash award to recognize and thank you for being the Boy Scout and American Leader that you are. Incidentally, Max received a $3,000 scholarship from the Boy Scout Chief Seattle Counsel. We pray that yours and the other Scouts’ dedication to obtain the Eagle Scout Recognition will continue to lead you all through the concepts of DUTY, HONOR AND COUNTRY, through out your life. The Boy Scout Organization and all who support them make a huge positive contribution to prepare our leaders of tomorrow. You are respected and needed.