"Crazy Sexy Cancer" at Vashon Theater Sunday Jan 6th at 1pm.
"Crazy Sexy Cancer" is an irreverent and uplifting documentary about a young woman looking for a cure and finding her life. Weeks after she was diagnosed, filmmaker Kris Carr began documenting her story. Taking a seemingly tragic situation and turning it into a creative expression, Kris shares her inspirational story of survival with honesty, courage, and lots of humor. Crazy Sexy Cancer is more than a film, it’s an attitude! It’s about rising to the challenge of life, and no matter what, refusing to give up who you are at your core. This story is as funny as it is frightening, as joyous as it is outrageous. Ultimately, "Crazy Sexy Cancer" is a thought provoking film about friendship, love and growing up.
PRAHM is sponsoring the showing of Crazy Sexy Cancer followed by a month green cleanse class. Join the green cleanse or just come and learn. 4 classes Starting Jan 9th all on Wednesdays 6-8pm. Come see the movie it is FREE . It feels good to see this inspirational woman on her journey with this very touching disease. Pass it on!