Community Cinema Vashon ends its first year with much appreciation to the community and a great announcement. We are happy to welcome the Voice of Vashon (VoV) as our partner - I think it’s a great match! VoV brings homegrown television and radio broadcasting to islanders. Community Cinema, for our part, is bringing independently produced documentary film from US filmmakers. Though these films are on far reaching subjects, the films are always followed by a discussion to bring the topic to a local level. VoV will be providing audio and visual coverage of upcoming Community Cinema Vashon films and speakers. We will be able to promote VoV programs and print their Logo on our publicity. This partnership also provides liability coverage for our events. Thank you Voice of Vashon!
With the screening of STRONG! on May 13th, Community Cinema will have brought 16 films to Vashon since our first event on April 30th one year ago. We feel very proud of this accomplishment and the wonderful reception we have received. The films, on wide reaching subjects, have been of excellent high quality. The after-film moderated discussions have be thoughtful and inspiring. Most attendees have been anxious to share their responses and ideas. We thank the hundreds of Vashonites who have attended our events.
We want to say another "Thank You" to the many individuals, organizations, and businesses that have supported our efforts and contributed to our successful first year. The list is long. It truly "takes a community." We want to especially acknowledge the publications, Island Arts, The Loop, and The Beachcomber for the coverage that they have provided. We appreciated the use of Vashon Theatre, the reception space of the Presbyterian Church and Island merchants who donated food and beverage for our premiere event. Other venues have been the Performance Room at Ober Park, Vashon Library, V-M Island Land Trust and the Chamber of Commerce parking lot for our Electric Car Show in March. And "Thank You" to all the businesses who have welcomed our announcements in their windows,, on bulletin boards and walls and E-mail lists.
Our inspiration, early support and an up-start grant came from Welcome Vashon. It is our vision that we may "nurture the spirit of inclusion" through community members exploring ideas and talking together. Community Cinema films take us on journeys to unexpected places to meet ordinary people living extraordinary lives. These films, from the award-winning PBS series Independent Lens, bring to light unforgettable stories about an unique individual, underrepresented community or moment in history.
We want to thank the island speakers and organizations who contributed to our after-film discussions which helped us understand local issues and inspired us to get involved. As we honor our differences we hope to help build a community where everyone can say, "I belong."
We hope that you will join us on this next Sunday April 15th, for HELL AND BACK AGAIN at the V-M Island Land Trust from 2:30-5:30pm. How does a soldier come home - injured physically and psychologically - and build a life anew? This film contains innovative footage from combat, travel with soldiers on the ground. Sue Nebeker and Phil Vokler, representing American Hero Quilts and American Legion Post # 159, will lead the after-film conversation. See Loop 3/29 article or ccnw.tv for more information.
Finally, mark you calendar now for our last event of this season, STRONG! at the Vashon Library, Sunday, May 13th 2:30-4:30pm. We are taking a summer break. Plan to join us, with 100+ cities nationwide, this September for the 8th season of Community Cinema. We encourage you to watch Independent Lens Thursday 10pm on KCTS and the other excellent programs on PBS - TV and online.
Community Cinema films, from Independent Television Service (ITVS) are always FREE. It is funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people, National Endowment for the Arts and PBS. We thank these organizations for this gift. Just today, I presented Community Cinema at The Vashon Rotary Breakfast, and I want to express appreciation for the warm reception, and all the support I received.
I also want to personally acknowledge Patrick Baroch, ITVS Regional Outreach Coordinator, for his mentorship and help in facilitating this valuable program on Vashon. Last, but not least, a big "Thank You!" to all the friends who have been my support team.
We want to invite your participation, support and involvement as we look to our second year!
Jane Berg - 567-4532.