All Island Forum invites ALL ISLANDERS to an interactive forum to explore VASHON:
What really matters to you? Join friends and neighbors to share ideas about the character and future of Vashon. For each of us, what are the essential characteristics of a Vashon worth working for?
We are asking for wide reaching community participation as we as we hone our skills at listening and expressing our opinions, and begin to build a process through which we can make more nuanced and consensual decisions about matters that effect our lslands as a whole. Get to know your neighbors better, gain more appreciation for others’ views, and learn more about what makes our community tick. What emerges from this evening’s interaction will help inform future forums.
Monday February 27th from 7-9p at Open Space.
Our purpose is to provide a collaborative, participatory and effective forum for community dialogue & action. We seek clarity on issues, consensus on decisions, and community participation on solutions.
Please join us in community conversation.