Saturday, February 7th at 7:00 pm at Camp Burton. Calling All Logophiles! Are you a verbophile? Graphophile? Oenophile? Apiophile?
If the answer is YES to any of these words, then the Vashon Community Scholarship Foundation invites you to partake in a convivial and insouciant evening of cerebral tittivation, while enjoying nectarous and sapid comestibles and selection of piquant libations…
Come and join the fun! See what the buzz is all about!
Form your own team of 3 spellers and show off your spelling skills ($ 150/team)… Sponsor a team of 1, 2 or 3 spellers ($50/member)… Attend “Spell It!” 2015 and spell along ($15/$10 seniors and students)…
Bring a canned food donation for the Vashon Food Bank and a door prize entry form (found at Vashon Bookshop) and be eligible for a 2 night stay at Andrios Guest House!
Register your team now @ rggbdg@yahoo.com, buy your tickets at Vashon Bookshop and Vashon Pharmacy, and pick up your door prize entry form.
All proceeds support scholarships for Vashon School District graduating seniors.