Bullying and acts of war dominate today’s news headlines. Sorting it all out is the subject of countless discussions and study groups in schools and civic associations.
"The War" , presented this Sunday at the Free Family Film Series shown at Vashon Theatre Sunday the 11th, at 1:30PM starring Kevin Costner and Elijah Wood presents a captivating narrative presented in the language of kids around the plot of a father returning from Vietnam trying to teach his son the when and why of fighting and the importance of love.
"The War" offers an excellent opportunity for dads and sons, indeed all families to discuss the finer points of conflict and peace. It is appropriate for families with kids from second or third grade through high school.
If you are a teacher who has engaged or moderated any kind of discussion or training among kids of upper elementary, middle school or high school students around the topics of violence and bullying this is a must see movie for you and all your students. Excellently acted, beautifully filmed and with a reassuring positive ending, this movie offers a look at this issue from every angle. It tells the complete story about the complexity of bullying, the choices of responding or not responding, the point of war, the primacy of love and hope for a change in the future of what is acceptable or unacceptable.
Attached you will find a poster suitable for printing should you so desire. What better way to celebrate Veteran’s Day?
This movie is sponsored by LGC Educational services which provides, events, classes and written materials that help people in all situations dig deep into real issues.
Thanks to PTSA five treat meal boxes will be distributed to kids whose families could not otherwise afford them. Please contact me if you know of such families and I will connect you with the appropriate person for distribution.
This movie is a rare treasure for a difficult topic that delivers excellently on many levels.
Thanks for your consideration.
Deborah Anderson